Saturday, December 4, 2010 | By: Stephenie

So.... what's next?

Hey there!  

Is everyone glad we've made it into December?? I'm not.  I always get so depressed this time of year.  I'm another year older and no closer to my dreams then when I was 3 and that leaves me feeling like crap.  I don't understand how anyone can enjoy this time of year, really.  If it's not bad enough knowing we're leaving this year behind, you've got the holidays in your face.  Family get togethers. Ugh! It's not that I hate seeing my family, really it's not.  It's the inevitable questions like, "what have you been up to?" that drive me nuts.  Getting to reply with a sigh and say "not much" is just so not fun to me.  Basically, I hate catching people up on what's up with me and my life.  There's never anything to say lol.  Then you have the shopping.  Well, that's gotten easier thanks to the internet. But I did go out on Black Friday this year and let me tell you, I will NEVER do it again.  Too many people.  Way too many people.  Nuh uh. Nope. I'm not doing it. No. lol.  Even worse, the Christmas music. Makes my ears bleed man!  After about 15 years of hearing the same songs over and over and over and over again, I was done with that.  Elvis Christmas is about all I can tolerate now.  Yeah maybe I'm a scrooge. I dunno.  

Alrighty, done with my little rant.  So, what are we going to do next?  We got one type of cartoon out of the way but there are other styles to discuss.  Manga/Anime has become quite popular in the last ten years (why I don't know) so I figure we'll go over that a little bit.  I'm no expert on it since I'm not really fond of it.  But I will do my best to explain it and I'll probably search for some good tutorials to teach you further.  I'll cover the basics. 

After that I may go into caricatures. I love drawing caricatures.  It's been awhile since I have though.  I discovered that I was pretty good at it when I was in high school. I was super sick and since I couldn't do much I got my yearbook and drew a caricature for just about everyone in my class. Sadly, I've lost that sketch pad but it was awesome.  So, since it's been on my mind lately we may do that and it falls into the cartoon category too. 

Alrighty, expect something in the next couple of days. 

Check ya later!!


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