Saturday, December 11, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Drawing Manga/Anime p3: The mouth


Last time we talked about the noses on the different gender.  It's all fairly simple stuff.  So now that we have the head, face, and nose drawn we need to get some lips on there.  The mouth is much more fun than the nose.  Drawing out all those noses was quite boring.  Eh, I'm not a nose person.  Ok, on with it then!

Chick mouths

Usually girls mouths are fuller and not as wide as boys. Not always buy, yeah.  Here be a few examples. 
  • The curved mouth - Here I've drawn it straight faced.  Of course you can draw it with more of  a frown or smile and you can make the mouth look fuller or thinner by where you place the bottom lip.  
  • The slanted line - This mouth works on either gender.  Not much to this one. 
  • The smirk - this is basically the same as the curved mouth but with a half smile.  

Guy mouths 

On to the boys.  You can draw guys with curvy mouths too if you want them to look softer or you just like sexy lips on men.  But if you're not going for that here's a few you can use.  
  • Happy mouth - This is great on young characters and it works well on girls too.  It's just a big open smiling mouth with teeth and tongue showing.  It has a rounded triangular shape too it.  
  • Smirk - this is the same as the girls except without the curved upper lip.  I like this one cause it looks like they're up to something
  • Disgusted mouth - This is for a character that isn't happy and may be fussing about something.  It can be used on girls as well.  
 So far it's all pretty simple right? I hope so and I hope I'm helping some beginners out there.  Well, that's it for this blog.  Next blog will be talking about hair.  I must warn you, I'm terrible at hair no matter what I'm drawing.  But, there will be a tutorial I will guide you to, to help you further. :)

Check ya later!!


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