Tuesday, December 14, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Drawing Manga/Anime p4: The Hair

Alrighty, so we've got all of the head done but now we need hair.  Well, I'm awful at hair. Really.  Doesn't matter if it's cartoon hair or real people hair, I just suck at it.  I'm going to show my understanding of it (which isn't much) and then guide you to better tutorials.

So my take on manga hair.... it usually has a wispy and wild look.  There's almost a pointiness to it.  See below.

That's just awful lol but I tried! But anyways, what you do it find a point on the head you want the hair to come from.  In this case I came from this point.

So every strand of hair you draw will be reaching for the point.  You can add an occasional stray going in a different direction to make it look a bit more natural.  I didn't cause it really wouldn't have helped lol.  Ok, so here's my quick little manga head with the bad hair.

Alrighty, now that you've seen how badly I suck at manga I'm going to guide you to a few tutorials that will help you further :)  There's tons of stuff on deviantArt so I found a few I thought might help. There are different ways to draw hair and to color. I'm trying to give a variety to try to help you find what works best for you.  

The first couple are by bommie.  I really like her style.  The first one is Hair Tutorial: Version Crap.  LOL No I don't think it's crap, that's what she titled it :)  You will need to clicky 'download' over on the right.  The other one she has is Hair Tutorial: Version 2. They're basically the same but I like them both so there lol.  After looking at her tut's I'm going to have to give it another try :)

The next one is by Mark Crilly and I think his stuff is really good.  Check out his Manga Hair tutorial here.  He also has a video up to go with it.  Here it be.   Definitely go check out that video! It should really help.  He also has another video that I think is awesome. It's a little over 21 minutes long though so give yourself some time to watch this.  Here ya go.  It shows four different ways to draw manga hair.  Tis really good!

The last two I have talk about coloring the hair (digitally).  First is bye ede1986  over on dA.  It's a pretty good tutorial for coloring in photoshop and I really like the look.  Hair tutorial by ede1986.  And the last link I have for you today is by elianan again talking about coloring manga hair in photoshop but it has a bit different look to.  I likes it.  Hair tutorial by elianan.

Obkb, I hope that helps.  Next will be about drawing the body :)  

Check ya later!!


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