Saturday, November 27, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Learning to Draw: Cleaning the Sketch

Hello there!

So we talked about 3 different ways to sketch and now we need to clean it up.  This is pretty simple but you want to take your time and do it as perfect as possible.  Since it's a cartoon, your outline is going to be pretty heavy and dark.

Before we go further, make sure you have sketched in the shadows and highlights (I forgot to do this in the sketching tutorials).  I usually only do this for a cartoon because shading on a cartoon doesn't blend like a real person or object.

What you're going to need

Paper and pencil: 

  • Pencil ( I would use a pencil no darker than 4B because the darker the pencil the softer the lead and the easier it will smear.)
  • You can use a pen but I never have (I don't have a steady hand)
  • White eraser (eraser on end of pencil will work if you don't have one)
  • *Optional* A soft bristled brush.  This is the best way to get rid of anything the eraser leaves behind. Using your hand can cause smearing because of the oils in your hand and blowing it off can leave spit spots lol.
  • Patience ;)
  • Of course your graphics tablet and pen
  • A paint brush. If you use the one used in my set then it's the one set at 9. You can also use a standard round hard photoshop brush
  • Patience ;)
There's not much more to tell you.  You're going to go over your sketch making dark clean lines.  Then erase all your sketch marks.  Once that's done you'll be ready to shade or color.  

*NOTE*  Do not line the highlights and shadows on your sketch.  Leave those as they are. (do not erase.)  We will use those as guides while shading.  Again, they absolutely should NOT be apart of your dark lines. 

Here's a video. Enjoy some Primus :)

Ok, now that we've got that done it's time to shade or color! I'll be doing the shading first and it should be up in a couple days. :)

Check ya later!!


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