Friday, November 19, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Joining Blogger

Hey there!

I have decided to join blogger, blogspot, whatever. Joy right? Why am I joining? Hmmm, well I'm trying to get my art out and what better way to do than a blog? I do have a website up. It is still being worked on but you can go ahead and check it out here.

Alrighty, let me tell you a bit about myself and what I plan to do with this blog. My name is Stephenie and I'm 29 years old (for a couple more weeks *frown face*). I'm totally not thrilled to be turning 30 and not having even come close to accomplishing my dreams. Well, how can you when you don't even try? So, now it's time for me to get my butt in gear.

I consider myself to be a digital artist. I started drawing the traditional way with pencil and paper when I was 8 years old but it wasn't something I did very often. I considered myself to be a dancer and singer. I never considered myself an artist at all. Everything changed Christmas 2007. That year I got a Wacom tablet. I didn't break it out until late January but when I did I immediately loved it. Since then, I am constantly drawing. Nearly 3 years later I have tons of art to share. It still seems weird to consider myself an artist but when my husband was telling his friend that I was an artist, I figured it was official lol. Believe me, if you suck, he lets you know lol. Do I still consider myself a dancer? Yes, but I don't do it often anymore (other than chair dancing). A singer? No, but I still love to sing.

So what do I plan to do with this blog? Well, I thought it would be fun to share some of my techniques with people and maybe I could help others blossom. Now, I'm still not the greatest artist ever or even just a great artist. I'm still growing too. The way I see it, we can grow together. Sound like fun? The videos I put up will be somewhat like a tutorial but I'll put little notes in them. I don't have a microphone to record myself speaking the steps. But hopefully soon I can fix that. I know I like watching tutorial vids better where they are speaking to me so I understand if these aren't for you. I'll try my best though.

I'll also occasionally give you guys heads up on products to help with your digital art. Everything will be something I've tried and if there's a product that's absolutely horrible and I feel cheated out of money, I'll let you guys know that too. I'm all about quality here. But the products are really something that'll be in the background of this blog. So don't worry! I'm not going to just be pitching a sale here.

Anyways, I hope this turns out to be much fun and hope there's people out there that I can help and that can help me in return. Next blog will be the first tutorial on drawing cartoons. I love cartoons and that's what I understand the best so that should be a good start. Alrighty, I'm going back to listening to Michael Jackson's new song (I love love love it!!!). :)

Check ya later!!


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