Monday, November 29, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Learning to Draw: Shading

Hello Hello!

Ok so we got the sketch done and got it ready for shading or coloring. Shading a cartoon is pretty simple because there's really not a lot of depth to it.  The shadows and highlights have clear lines instead of blending into another shade.

Pencil and Paper

Ok so here's where it's really good to have a graphite pencil set but if not that's ok too.  It would also be really good to have a kneaded eraser.  That eraser is used for the highlights but if you don't have one there's other ways to go about highlighting on a cartoon.

What you need:

  • 3 shades of graphite pencils (personally I would use 2H, HB, and 2B) or a #2 pencil
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Blending stump (if you don't have one, you can make your own with a piece of paper. Click here and it will take you to a site that shows you how.)

Saturday, November 27, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Learning to Draw: Cleaning the Sketch

Hello there!

So we talked about 3 different ways to sketch and now we need to clean it up.  This is pretty simple but you want to take your time and do it as perfect as possible.  Since it's a cartoon, your outline is going to be pretty heavy and dark.

Before we go further, make sure you have sketched in the shadows and highlights (I forgot to do this in the sketching tutorials).  I usually only do this for a cartoon because shading on a cartoon doesn't blend like a real person or object.

What you're going to need

Thursday, November 25, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Learning to Draw: Sketching a Cartoon Part 3 of 3

Ok so in step 1 we just tried to draw without guides and in step 2 we tried using lined guides and shapes and that made things a bit easier.  I used those methods for years until I discovered the grid.  (If you have checked out the first 2 steps I recommend to at least check step 1 since that lets you know all the materials needed.)

This is my favorite method.  I've used this method in most of my recent drawings and I'm always pretty content with the results.  Basically what you're doing is creating squares and then drawing the image that goes in that particular square.  Of course you do have to zoom out with your eyes to see the whole picture to check it.  If you don't, something will get messed up along the way and look stupid.  Doing it on paper is more difficult because you have to draw the grid out so it's definitely time consuming.  But I have done it many times. In photoshop it's a breeze because you simply turn on the grid and use the count tool.

Pencil and paper

If you cannot draw on your reference image then use tracing paper or a gallon sized ziplock bag.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Learning to Draw: Sketching a Cartoon Part 2 of 3

Alrighty part 1 was nothing. Here we're going to get into more detail. Awesomeness. Yes.

Ok, so we tried drawing by just looking at a reference.  It may have been a disaster or it may have been pretty good.  But, honestly there are easier ways.  The next thing you can do is use guides.  With guides you're just drawing out lines on your reference image and then just drawing them out on your sketch pad exactly as you did on your reference.  Here's where you use your tracing paper.  You'll put the tracing paper over the image and then draw the lines on the tracing paper.

Paper and Pencil peoples

Preparing the reference image:

  • Draw a vertical line down the center of Chris (or image of choice).
  • Draw a horizontal line across the center of Chris
  • Next, draw a horizontal line across the center of his nose

Sunday, November 21, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Learning To Draw: Sketching A Cartoon Part 1 of 3

First let me say that I was going to make this just one blog but it's super long so I'm breaking it into three parts. This first part isn't really a tutorial. It's more of a "here try this" with a video that I tried. But, it does include some things you'll need for the other two parts. Ok, on with it then!

Ok, so here's the first little tutorial thingy on how to draw. When you begin to draw, I think it's best to start drawing from a reference. Drawing from your mind is a bit more complicated if you want it to look realistic, so let's do the reference for now.  Later down the road we'll talk about drawing from your mind. I chose a cartoon to draw first because I think those are the easiest to draw. I just did a quick google search for Chris Griffin so we're going to go with this pic of him playing air guitar.

We're not going to be doing his reflection as that can be way scary for beginners.  Alrighty, obviously if you're using pencil and paper you'll need to print this out. If you don't want to waste all that black ink, I quickly took the black out of it for you.

Friday, November 19, 2010 | By: Stephenie

Joining Blogger

Hey there!

I have decided to join blogger, blogspot, whatever. Joy right? Why am I joining? Hmmm, well I'm trying to get my art out and what better way to do than a blog? I do have a website up. It is still being worked on but you can go ahead and check it out here.

Alrighty, let me tell you a bit about myself and what I plan to do with this blog. My name is Stephenie and I'm 29 years old (for a couple more weeks *frown face*). I'm totally not thrilled to be turning 30 and not having even come close to accomplishing my dreams. Well, how can you when you don't even try? So, now it's time for me to get my butt in gear.

I consider myself to be a digital artist. I started drawing the traditional way with pencil and paper when I was 8 years old but it wasn't something I did very often. I considered myself to be a dancer and singer. I never considered myself an artist at all. Everything changed Christmas 2007. That year I got a Wacom tablet. I didn't break it out until late January but when I did I immediately loved it. Since then, I am constantly drawing. Nearly 3 years later I have tons of art to share. It still seems weird to consider myself an artist but when my husband was telling his friend that I was an artist, I figured it was official lol. Believe me, if you suck, he lets you know lol. Do I still consider myself a dancer? Yes, but I don't do it often anymore (other than chair dancing). A singer? No, but I still love to sing.